How to Clean and Disinfect Pet Bowls

Clorox® Disinfecting Concentrated Bleach can be used to disinfect your pet’s accessories and pet bowls.
Have a dirty or slimy dog bowl? Learn how to disinfect, and clean dog bowls, cat bowls, and other pet bowls whether they’re stainless steel, plastic or glazed ceramic.
How to Clean and Disinfect Pet Bowls
Your pet’s food and water bowls can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Disinfect them by using Clorox® Disinfecting Concentrated Bleach. Here’s how:
DisinfectDisinfect with a solution of 80 ml (1/3 cup) product in 3.8 L of water.
WashWash surface, soak or wipe with bleach solution. Allow surface to remain visibly wet for at least 6 minutes.
RinseRinse well and air dry.
WaitFor Feline Parvovirus or Canine Parvovirus allow surface to remain visibly wet for 10 minutes.
After disinfecting
After disinfecting food processing and preparation areas, rinse surface prior to use.
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